Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Week - Monday - Joy and Sorrow Live Together

Yesterday I began my sermon with an invitation. Joyce Rupp's simple breath prayer is one I commit to use every morning during this Holy week, and I am inviting folks who are part of The Village Church, who read this blog, who follow me on Facebook, or Twitter, or anyone I have a chance to influence this week, to join me in this simple practice. Whenever we pray this week, in the morning, at night, mid-day, at a stop-light, let's take a deep, cleansing breath and say these words: "Joy and sorrow live together." Jesus certainly lived this prayer during the last week of his physical life here on Earth. Because of Jesus, I know, that God knows, what my life is like.

God weeps with me; and God shares my deepest joy with me. Every day.

So when I have a really great day -- like yesterday, when we baptized and celebrated 5 persons saying "YES" to Jesus, I want to remember to say thank you to God -- because days like yesterday are a blessing from God.

And when I have a bad day, a day that wears me out, when I am fearful about the future; a day when I don't think I have the resources to do what I need to do; well. . . those are the days, I need to take a deep breath and TRUST GOD. "Joy and sorrow live together."

This is Holy Week. We are on a journey with Jesus. He is going to the cross this week. He is also headed to the miracle of Easter resurrection. And so are we. Thank you God.

What does it mean to you, to remember that joy and sorrow live together? I'd like to hear from you.

1 comment:

Kate said...

To me, "joy and sorrow live together" means I need to look for the blessing in the tough situations. To realize how many people are there to support me during my journey with cancer, and to realize how many people I will help because of the knowledge I've gained.

Have you found the blessing yet?