My apologies for not updating sooner loyal readers. We are hitting crunch time here with the Village. Our launch months of October & November has hit and things are getting really exciting. Dozens of hours of volunteer work were done, by Villager and non-Villagers (I'm not falling for the Village People tag some of you want) alike today alone. We had tile & carpet installers, electricians, handy men & women, etc all over Cheri's office, the kids room and the main room, we are now calling the Village Commons. The Launch Team and the Worship Team met today and the band had practice to warm up for Sunday, our first just for us preview service, yesterday.
Things are shaping up great for our new faith community's home, which if you aren't in our Facebook or email group, is going to be at the Old Colony Restaurant, later known as the Doctor's Inn. This was Toledo's original shopping mall at the turn of the Century. We are all getting very excited for the start of our next phase, weekly worship together. Our worship center is going to be like nothing else out there in Toledo. Imagine the experience of sitting at comfortable table or booth, listening to incredible music, drinking great coffee or tea, watching great video presentations, do art and discussions, and hearing an incredible message of God’s love and call on us all to change the world. I’m very excited for this to get started. This is the church I have dreamed of attending for years.
But that also means we are that key point, where the rubber hits the road, crunch time, insert your own appropriate cliche' here. This Sunday we have our first “preview” service at our new home. This is not something we are publicizing. You can bring friends, but this is not the one for the public. It’s going to be rough. Running sound in a new space, etc is a rough process. The walls WILL NOT be painted, there will be rough spots in the bathrooms, exterior of the building, etc. Call this a dress down rehearsal, cause we don’t want you to dress up.
To get ready though, we need a big push. One of our sister churches, which was supposed to send a work crew up, has had a crisis or two and can not come this weekend. So we have just lost dozens of volunteer hours to clean tables and booths, sweep floors and apply other touches to make sure we are ready to roll.
So, if you have even vaguely considered volunteering to help. Now’s your time. We will be there Saturday morning at 9 AM and hope to have volunteers going from 9 AM to 5PM or more. Grab your work clothes, any tools for things you like to do like paint or clean, and come to the Village. We’ll put you to work helping to create not just a new church home, but hopefully a model for a faith community for the 21st Century and a movement to create welcoming, progressive, world changing churches around the area and beyond. I hope to see you there. I’ll be the guy in the old, black Bengals hat. If you know you can come, please call Cheri at 419-297-8031 so we can make sure we’ve got work waiting for you.
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