Sunday, September 27, 2015

Who Do You Say That I Am? by Judith Frank & Kurt Young

    In our story from scripture, Mark 8:27-38 from the New Revised Standard Version for those following along from afar,  Jesus and the disciples were on a long walk.  This was a trip of about 30 miles, and remember they are walking, it would take awhile.  So Jesus knew he had this captive audience.  But he also knew he had a lot to teach them in the time he had left. 

    So, he then began teaching them, but in a little bit different way.  He asked them a question:  Who do they say I am?   The answers varied -  John the Baptist who was his cousin, was one name.  Another was Elijah, a prophet, well respected, who was taken up into heaven.  And the names of other prophets, too numerous and minor for the scripture writer to jot down and bring to us. 

    But they never used the names those in power might have called him.  Jesus, was needless to say, not a friend to those in power. So they might have used rabble-rouser, troublemaker, or just trouble. To quote a saying from the time, “ nothing good ever came out of Nazareth”.

    Now this is not the first time that the origin of Jesus was a topic of discussion with the disciples.  Previously, the disciples and Jesus had been on the water when a huge storm came up and they feared for their lives.  Jesus awoke, chastised them for their lack of faith, and calmed the storm.  They wondered who is he that he can calm the storm?  And they again went to Moses, Elijah, etc.  One even went to Messiah.  But he told them not to tell others. 

    The reason is that they are not ready.  They are thinking in worldly terms.  They are expecting a great military or political leader, an over-thrower of power, a new king.  And boy are they expecting to come out well in that, walking the corridors of power with the new king.  But Jesus explains, No, he is going to be rejected, suffer under torture, be killed, but rise again in 3 days.

    Most definitely not what Peter was expecting.  He may not have even heard the rise from the dead in 3 days part.  Peter rebuked Jesus.  He urged him not to follow God’s plan.  Much like Satan in the wilderness Peter tempts him.  Jesus response was simple“get behind me Satan”.  Those are four words available to us all when we are ready to sin, to do something wrong.  When we get cut off in the car, we can give a, shall we call it, a one hand salute, or say  “get behind me Satan”, Pastor Judith says that is her approach and then she laughs and forgets what she was mad about. 

    Jesus said that because Peter was thinking not of Godly things but worldly things.  He was more worried about the things of the world, not the things of heaven.  Pay attention to the God things not the this world things.  They may seem more important but over the long haul you’ll find the Godly things are much more important. 

    It’s hard being a Christian.  Anyone who is selling you the path of Jesus as being easy, is selling you something besides God.  The path is a hard one, but when we walk with God it’s worth it. On that long walk, Jesus taught the disciples some serious lessons.  How to work on the heavenly, not the worldly.  He reminded them they were going to need to deny themselves , take up your cross, follow me.

    Do you know what that means?  Denying yourself?  It means to quit the me, me, me things.  Oh, the me, me, me  feels good, but we are not helping ourselves, and we are hurting each other.  It’s actually a physical and mental taking from others. 

    What about to” take up our Cross”?  Now, when we hear take up the cross, I live 2,000 years afterwards.  Peter had not heard of Jesus being crucified on a cross.  We know what that means. Peter didn’t.      Follow me , following the path of Jesus, follow the example of Jesus. 

    John Wesley spoke of taking up the path every day, every hour, every way.  Give of ourselves to others.  When we serve others, give to others, we are doing this.  When we share of our excess, when we love our neighbors, we follow the way.

    The only thing that stands between God and me, is me.  Author unknown.   How many times do we not turn to God.  How many times do we fall into the wrong ways. When we say we don’t need God.     That doesn’t mean we won’t face problems.  The path means we won’t face them alone. 

    When Jesus said “Who do you say I am?”  If he was here right now, what would you say? Congregation:   My Lord, My Savior, My Redeemer, My Comforter.  All great answers.  Pastor Judith was cleaning a room found book mark with several of the names of Jesus including Alpha & Omega, Emanuel - God with Us, Prince of Peace, Lamb of God, Anointed One, Holy & Righteous one, Teacher, 

    Jesus is the I am.  I am with you always.  Everything around us was made by God.  It needs taken care of, rather than destroy it.  We need to take small steps in the path of Jesus.  We need take the small steps for us in that path, and grown in our faith, we can then change mankind, one step at time, one person at a time. 

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